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Graft Calculation

Graft Calculator

How many grafts do I need for hair transplant surgery?

When a person deals with hair loss and all medicinal treatments fail, there comes a point the person asks themselves the inevitable question: Is a hair transplant operation possible for me? Based on hair loss degree, hair transplant operations work for almost everyone. However when you look for hair transplant operations, one of the things you get familiar with is graft count for the areas with the hair loss. The graft count is confusing to a lot of people and rightfully so. That’s why we wrote this section to give you a better understanding of hair grafts and what you can expect from a hair transplant. 

What is a hair graft and how will a hair transplant doctor use hair grafts?

A hair graft, in its essence, is a strip containing hair follicles. The hair grafts may contain more than one hair follicle inside and hair transplant doctors remove the hair grafts from an area known as the donor area. The donor area is almost always the nape of a patient’s scalp and there’s a good reason for that. 

The nape of the scalp is resistant to hair loss even though not completely immune. In some severe cases, hair transplant doctors may use other places on someone’s scalp as the donor area. Even someone’s beard can be used as the donor area. However, this isn’t recommended unless it’s necessary. 

Who decides on the hair grafts and which hair transplant technique to choose?

Hair transplant surgeries are complex and they are surgeries at their core. So it’s imperative for a doctor with surgical skills and experience to decide on the hair graft count their patients will be getting. Not every patient needs the same amount of graft and not every patient can benefit from the same hair transplant technique.

Because hair transplant operations are complex, hair transplant doctors in Turkey aim to have both skills and experience for these surgeries. The best hair transplant doctor in Turkey will have an experience as a plastic surgeon as well, so they can have an aesthetic view of which hair transplant is the best for their patients. 

The best hair transplant doctor in Turkey, Dr. Ekrem Keskin does the consultation and the scalp analysis of his patients himself. Analyzing his patients’ needs and what their donor area can provide for them are not easy tasks. But Dr. Ekrem Keskin is not one to shy away from the challenge which makes him the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey. Thanks to his experience at plastic surgery, he redraws his patients’ hairlines with precision as well as giving his patients a natural look.

How many grafts will I need for my hair transplant operation?

Hair graft count is based on the degree of hair loss. Hair loss is different for everyone. Because hair loss is different for everyone, hair transplant doctors work with a scale called Hamilton–Norwood scale. Generally known as the Norwood scale, this scale gives the doctors the information they seek and gives an idea to the hair transplant candidates how many grafts they can need. 

Hamilton–Norwood scale and its degrees

It is imperative for the hair transplant clinic and the doctor to not overharvest their patients’ donor areas. Collecting enough hair grafts to implant on the recipient site is important. However, it is ethical for a hair transplant doctor to not overharvest the patient’s donor area because the same patient may need another hair transplant operation in the future. So they still need a healthy donor area for the future. Bearing that in mind, let’s look at Norwood Scale degrees.


Norwood 1

Also known as mature hairline, the hair loss is not too apparent on a person when their hair loss is on Norwood 1. People usually view this as the kind of hair loss that happens with aging and don't view it as serious. If your hair loss is on Norwood 1, you may benefit from approximately 2500 to 2800 grafts for the areas with the hair loss. You're eligible both for Sapphire FUE and DHI hair transplant techniques. However, DHI hair transplant is a better option for a hair transplant candidate who is on Norwood 1.


Norwood 2

When a person's hair loss is on Norwood 2 on the scale, their hairline is more than a mature hairline but it's still not too apparent to gain attraction. 

If your hair loss is on Norwood 2, you may benefit from approximately up to 3000 grafts. You are still eligible both for Sapphire FUE and DHI. But there's a good chance your doctor will recommend the DHI hair transplant technique for you.


Norwood 3

When a person's hair loss is on Norwood 3 on the scale, hair loss is now apparent for everyone else. Hair loss is severe on the temporal hairline.

If your hair loss is on Norwood 3, you may benefit from approximately up to 3400 grafts. You're eligible for Sapphire FUE and no-shave DHI is no longer applicable for your hair transplant operation. 

Norwood-3 Vertex

Norwood 3 Vertex Crown Area

Norwood 3 splits into two on the hair loss scale because of the vertex region. On Norwood 3 vertex crown area, the temporal hair loss is severe as well as the patient experiences some hair loss on the vertex area on their scalp. 

If your hair loss is on this scale, you will benefit from approximately 4000 grafts and possibly more. You are eligible for Sapphire FUE.


Norwood 4

When a person's hair loss is on Norwood 4 on the scale, temporal hair loss is even more receded and the hair loss on the vertex area is unmissable. 

If your hair loss is on Norwood 4, you may benefit from approximately 4800 grafts for enough coverage. You're also eligible for Sapphire FUE. 


Norwood 5

When a person's hair loss is Norwood 5 on the scale, your temporal and vertex (crown) areas suffer hair loss. But also hair loss progresses to the mid-scalp (the top of your scalp) from the crown area. 

If your hair loss is on Norwood 5, you may benefit from approximately 5000 grafts (and possibly more) based on your hair transplant doctor's recommendation. You're eligible for Sapphire FUE.


Norwood 6

At Norwood 6, the patient may still have some of his hair on the mid-scalp but the hair loss is more progressive on the temporal and vertex region is more severe compared to Norwood 5.
When a hair transplant is on Norwood 6 or 7 on the scale, there is a good chance that their donor area doesn't have enough hair grafts to provide enough coverage for them. A hair transplant clinic's job is to inform its patients about realistic results.


Norwood 7



At Norwood 7, the patient no longer has hair on top of his scalp. If your hair loss is on Norwood 6 or 7, the hair transplant doctor won't be able to give you enough coverage in one operation and you will need two treatment sessions for enough coverage.
When a hair transplant is on Norwood 6 or 7 on the scale, there is a good chance that their donor area doesn't have enough hair grafts to provide enough coverage for them.

How can I avoid overharvesting and the high costs of hair transplant surgery?

Amount of hair mills in Turkey and horror stories on overharvesting are rampant on the internet which is why it’s understandable for a hair transplant candidate to be wary of hair transplant clinics in Turkey. However, there are many ways to avoid a bad hair clinic in Turkey and choose an excellent one for yourself. We have covered this issue on our blog but one thing which we should mention as it is crucial is the treatment packages that hair transplant clinics in Turkey offer for you. 

The best hair transplant clinic in Turkey doesn’t estimate its treatment packages based on hair grafts. The hair transplant treatment includes accommodation, car service, hair clinic service, hair transplant operation, first wash, and PRP treatment. 

These treatment packages may change based on additional treatments but never based on additional hair graft count. Because when the hair transplant clinic in Turkey accepts their patients for their treatments, they are also aware that their hair transplant doctor may decide on a different graft count based on their patient’s needs. 

For example, when you first contact Capital Hair Center, we request photos of your scalp and give you an estimated graft count and the hair transplant technique. The hair transplant technique won’t change, but the hair graft count may change after a face-to-face consultation with Dr. Ekrem Keskin. 

Can I see some of the results of Capital Hair Center?

Of course, you can! We are proud to tell you that we are the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey and our doctor, Dr. Ekrem Keskin is the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey. That’s why we do everything in our power to provide you with every piece of information you seek. That includes our transparency policy as well. 

Here are some of our patients and their successful hair transplant surgery results. Their before and after hair transplant photographs will surprise you. But it’s okay since we are proud of our achievements and our patients’ hair transplant transformation.

What if I have Afro hair? Am I still eligible for a hair transplant?

Yes, you are! Dr. Ekrem Keskin also does hair transplants on patients with Afro hair. Before the surgery, Dr. Keskin does, a test called, Fox Test for patients with Afro hair. Fox Test analyzes if a patient’s hair follicles are easy to remove and if they are suitable for hair transplant implantation without risking the hair grafts. Because Afro hair’s structure is different from other hair types, we took extra care of our patients with Afro hair before the hair transplant surgery. Afro hair transplant surgeries in Turkey aren’t impossible if the hair transplant clinic in Turkey is Capital Hair Center. 

Afro Norwood

Is hair transplant alone enough for long-term results?

The answer to this differs based on a patient’s condition. All of our treatment packages include PRP therapy because it benefits our patients significantly. Based on our patient’s needs we also have treatment packages with stem cell therapy and OzonFect. Depending on their needs, our patients can add these treatment options to their treatment packages. 

Am I eligible for a hair transplant in Turkey if I am a woman?

Also known as, androgenic alopecia, female pattern hair loss is different from male pattern hair loss, and it has its scale. The hair transplant doctors measure female pattern hair loss with the Ludwig scale.

Based on the Ludwig scale;

At stage I, the patient’s hair starts thinning on top of their head.

At stage II, the patient’s scalp starts to become visible.

At stage III, the hair on the vertex region may be lost. 

However, the Ludwig scale is for the general categorization of hair loss in women. A lot of women don’t fit into these stages and suffer from different types of hair loss. Because hair loss in women is complex, Dr. Ekrem Keskin assesses every case differently. 

Most women won’t need hair transplant surgery because their hair loss can be treated with medicines, and treatments like PRP, stem cell therapy, and OzonFect. If the hair loss is reversible, Dr. Ekrem Keskin doesn’t recommend a hair transplant on his patient which is one of the reasons that makes him the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey. 

If hair transplant surgery is indeed inevitable for his female patients, Dr. Ekrem Keskin recommends the DHI hair transplant technique for women. During DHI hair transplant surgery, the patient doesn’t need to shave their hair completely. Only the donor area is shaved. In some extreme cases, Dr. Ekrem Keskin may recommend Sapphire FUE hair transplant surgery. However as mentioned above, this is rare and it depends on the patient’s hair loss. 

How Many Grafts Do I Need ?


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