About Dr Ekrem Keskin

Get Your Hair Back With Dr. Ekrem Keskin

Dr. Ekrem Keskin received training on hair transplant, nose, facial aesthetics, and breast aesthetics at Cleveland Clinic Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Department, Cleveland, OHIO-USA.

An experienced surgeon in plastic surgery, Dr. Ekrem Keskin uses his aesthetic perspective, which he has developed with years of experience in hair transplantation in Turkey.

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    Hair Transplant Turkey: Why You Should Choose It

    Even though it’s mostly popular among men and male pattern baldness, women also choose hair transplants to restore hair. A hair transplant is a surgical method. It gets hair follicles from one part of someone’s scalp and puts the hair follicles into the balding part of the scalp. Hair transplantation is not limited to just the scalp. Hair transplant surgeons also use different hair transplant procedures to give someone eyelashes, beard hair, and eyebrows. With the rise of hair transplanting methods, Turkey has become the center for hair transplants. There are many reasons hair transplants in Turkey are so popular, and many people are coming to Turkey for their hair restoration journeys.

    Compared to their European counterparts, hair transplants in Turkey are affordable without losing the excellence. A hair transplant in Turkey costs around 2500 dollars and can go up. However, even the most drastic surgery cost is still lower than the cost of a hair transplant in the UK.

    There's not just one hair transplant method. The hair transplant clinics in Turkey are the ones adapting them the first and most successfully. Follicular unit transplantation (FUE method), also known as the FUT method, is one of the first methods for hair transplants. However, hair transplants in Turkey are not limited to just one method. One of the latest methods, follicular unit extraction (the FUE method), is considered less invasive than the FUT. The FUE method gives better results. It also causes less trauma to a patient. The FUE Sapphire involves sapphire blades to do hair transplant surgeries. Dr. Ekrem Keskin is one of the expert hair transplant surgeons in the FUE Sapphire method. The FUE Sapphire has an even higher success rate than The FUE itself. The latest method in hair transplant surgeries is direct hair transplantation (the DHI method). With the DHI method, a hair transplant causes less bleeding in a patient. It also gives much thicker hair than other methods. These hair transplant procedures involve getting hair from the donor area (usually the back of the head). The hair transplant surgeons obtain hair follicles obtained from the donor area then this hair transplant surgeon plants these hair follicles into the needed areas. However, not every clinic in the world has the expertise on these different methods, which brings us to our next matter.

    As mentioned above, Turkey is one of the earliest countries which started to focus on hair transplant surgeries. Getting an early start on hair transplants gave the doctors in Turkey a chance to be the leaders of hair transplant surgeries.

    Turkey’s medical education is often arduous. A hair transplant surgeon in Turkey cannot abdicate themselves from this medical education. A hair transplant surgeon must have an aesthetic view to give a patient a successful hair transplant. And Turkish surgeons have precisely that. In addition, hair transplant doctors in Turkey have expertise in plastic surgery. Hair transplant clinics in Turkey favor surgeons with expertise in plastic surgery. Dr. Ekrem Keskin, one of the leading hair transplant surgeries at Capital Hair Center, is not only a plastic surgeon. He also has gained expertise in all the hair transplant techniques mentioned above.

    Because of the success of hair transplants in Turkey, Istanbul, in particular, has become the center of hair transplants in Turkey. It’s even raised the ever-rising bar on medical tourism in the world. When a patient comes to Istanbul for hair transplant surgery, Istanbul doesn’t just become a stop for hair transplant surgery. A hair transplant in Istanbul is also a chance for a cultural getaway from their routine life as a part of medical tourism in Turkey. The hair clinics in Istanbul offer their patients accommodation and car services. These services are almost always included in the packages you choose for hair transplant surgery. Patients visiting hotels before and after their hair transplant surgeries are often luxury hotels in Istanbul. These hotels are not just luxurious hotels either. They almost always have a cultural significance. A hair transplant in Turkey is not just a medical operation. It’s also a cultural experience that will broaden their horizons.

    Before a hair transplant candidate decides to get a hair transplant in Turkey, they usually look for photos of previous hair transplant surgery results before and after photos. Hair transplant clinics in Istanbul usually give their results on their web pages. But not every result is satisfactory to the hair transplant surgery candidates. Having a good hair transplant surgeon is why before and after photos of other hair transplant patients matter even more when choosing a hair clinic in Turkey. Not only the initial results but long-performing results of a hair transplant surgery ensure that a hair transplant surgery candidate will get the hair transplant result they want. They also know they will be in safe hands with a hair transplant surgeon who operates excellently.

    Why Should Hair Transplant Be Done By A Plastic Surgeon?

    Expertise in skin and skin texture

    Plastic surgeons like Dr. Ekrem Keskin knows the skin texture more than any doctor with any kind of expertise.

    Correct graft distribution

    Because a plastic surgeon has an aesthetic view on beauty, they know best what kind of hair distribution would look the most natural.

    Aesthetic vision in drawing the hair line:

    Your hairline fits to your face that no one would even notice that you had a hair transplantation.

    Start Your Hair Transplant Journey With Us

    In Capital Hair Center, our medical consultants are at your service
    through the entire process, pre- and post-operation. We would guarantee the best hair transplant in Turkey at affordable prices.

    Contact Us

    Congratulations, you have taken the first step towards regaining your hair under the guidance of a plastic surgeon! Our medical consultants will answer all your questions in detail.

    Online Free Consultation

    We provide detailed information about the operation and hair transplantation methods by conducting a free online consultation, and we will determine the most ideal method for you.

    Planing the Operation

    Together with you, we clarify the date of operation and arrange all flight and hotel reservations required for your journey.

    Travel to İstanbul

    When your plane lands in Istanbul, we will meet you from the airport and provide you with transportation to the hotel and clinic.

    Consultation with Dr. Ekrem Keskin

    Congratulations, you have taken the first step towards regaining your hair under the guidance of a plastic surgeon! Our medical consultants will answer all your questions about Turkey hair transplants in detail.

    Realization of the Operation

    The necessary preparations for the operation are completed and the operation phase is started.

    Long-Term Post Operation Process

    Long-Term Post Operation Process After the operation, you will be given detailed information about the progressing processes and the progressing stages will be followed online by your medical consultant by contacting you at certain intervals.

      Hair Transplant Steps

      During the meeting with Dr. Ekrem Keskin, your scalp is examined and
      the hairline is determined. Your blood test results are evaluated and your medical history is analyzed.If you don’t have any health problems, you can be performed hair transplantation by hair transplant surgeon Dr. Ekrem Keskin.

      Preparation for Operation

      In preparation for the operation, hair is shaved before photos are taken.

      Local Anesthesia

      Local anesthesia is applied so that you do not feel pain during the hair transplant operation.

      Collection of Grafts

      Hair follicles are planted in the opened channels, and the hair transplant operation is completed.

      Openning Channels

      For a natural upbringing, it will be the same as the hairstyle.

      Transplantation of Hair Grafts

      Hair follicles are planted in the opened channels and the operation is completed.

      Post Operation Process

      Detailed information is given about what to do after the operation.

        Before & After Results in Hair Transplant Turkey

        Our Lovely Patients Reviews

        You can see the comments of our happy patients about Capital Hair below.
        We always strive to give you the best service.

        Methods of Hair Transplantation

        As Capital Hair Center, we offer you the most popular hair transplant
        methods in a painless and professional way.


        The FUE hair transplant technique, known as follicular unit extraction, is preferred for transplantation to larger areas.



        Sapphire hair transplant is a process in which sharp-tipped special blades made of sapphire are used. Thanks to sapphire blades, smaller micro channels are opened.


        DHI hair transplant is one of the most advanced hair transplantation methods using a special medical pen called Choi-pen.

        Unshaven Hair Transplantation

        It is a hair transplantation method that is applied without cutting the existing hair and without the need for complete shaving.

        Why Capital Hair Center ?

        We are proud to be recognized as a trusted brand in hair restoration with affordable hair transplant costs in Turkey.

        Patients Story

        Loved by our Patients

        James K. | 38

        I am really happy to choose Capital Hair Center because of the satisfied result.

        Paul E. | 28

        I entrusted a plastic surgeon with hair transplant operation, and I was not wrong. My operation went well and I am happy with the result.

        David | 33

        Dr.Ekrem Keskin is a plastic surgeon, he is very careful about points such as symmetry and facial harmony and determined the hairline in the most ideal way. So, they replied that I will have a natural-looking result.

        Peter K. | 41

        While researching on the internet, I came across Capital Hair Center.I talked to their medical consultants face to face via Whatsapp. They welcomed me very well when I arrived in Turkey, met Dr. Ekrem Keskin. He is very courteous and understanding person.

        John S. | 32

        Dr. Ekrem Keskin stood out amongst other doctors as a plastic surgeon. Since his area of expertise is skin. After the operation, I saw that this thought was correct.

        Austin A. | 36

        Plastic Surgeon Dr. Ekrem Keskin determined the bald areas and calculated how many grafts I need. Thanks to Dr. Ekrem Keskin, I enjoy feeling young again.

        Steven D. | 29

        Dr. Ekrem Keskin determined my hairline properly. I had a nice and comfortable operation.

          FAQ About Hair Transplants in Turkey

          Here are some of the more popular questions asked about hair transplants in Turkey. If your question is not one of these below; you can always contact us.

          Hair transplantation is an aesthetic operation as well as a surgical intervention. At Capital Hair Center, we promise you natural-looking hair under the leadership of plastic surgeon Dr. Ekrem Keskin.

          After your hair transplant, you must refrain from participating in sports or heavy exercising. You must wait at least one week after surgery to begin slowly exercising, and you should avoid doing something strenuous. Moreover, sweating is detrimental to hair transplant just because procrastinating healing and should be avoided as much as possible.

          If your hair transplantation process is done successfully, the transplanted hair will not be different from the hair in your donor area. After the transplanted hair grows, it takes shape like normal hair and continues to live as long as the hair follicles do not die. So hair transplantation offers a permanent solution.

          Everyone, regardless of skin color, is a candidate for hair transplantation. Hair transplantation techniques for people of African descent are also well developed recently. However, people of Afro origin have different curly hair structures and hairlines, hair transplantation usually follows a different procedure.

          It is entirely dependent on the individual, but most hair transplants take 5-12 months to reach their full growth. However, some patients see rapid progress and begin growing a large number of new hairs within a month. Many of our patients look great even 6 months after surgery.

          You can transplant hair in Turkey every season of the year. However, summer will make you more sweating, and in turn, your scalp would be irritated. If you stay in cooler conditions and do not go out or swim, you can be suitable for a hair transplant operation in the summer.

          There are two better hair transplant methods in the newest hair transplantation techniques which are Sapphire FUE and DHI. Choosing between these hair transplant methods is based on the decision of which hair transplant technique is better for you! For more detailed information, you can contact us.

          Transplanted hair grafts are as same as original hair grafts that are taken by the donor area. Plastic surgeon Dr. Ekrem Keskin and his competent team will give you a natural-appearance thanks to drawing hairline from an aesthetic point of view.

          One of the most hotly debated topics in hair transplantation is how many grafts the patient requires. To begin with, because the number of grafts varies from person to person, an exact figure cannot be provided. The number of grafts required for a hair transplant is determined by the patient's existing hair thickness. The quality of the donor area’s hair will also influence the total number required to cover the bald area in hair transplantation. Gender, age, and hair color all influence the number of grafts required for hair transplants.

          If we consider the rules you need to follow for 1 week without hair transplantation, your hair transplantation process may take about 15 days. The first washing takes place on the day after the operation and the patient remains in a sterile environment for another 3-4 days. After waiting for the healing process, the patient can return to his/her daily life.

          Definitely yes. Hair transplant in Turkey is a safe process from beginning to post-operation. Our experienced doctor will not damage your scalp and donor area. Moreover, in terms of privacy and safety, the confidentiality of patients' rights is extremely important to us. In addition, the hotels where our patients stay are extremely safe.

          After the hair transplant in Turkey, our patients come to our clinic for the first washing. Here, the doctor gives the patient information about how to wash his/her hair and deals with the patient one-on-one. After hair transplantation, the patient can ask us questions and receive medical consultation at any time until recovery.

          The patient should not use alcohol and cigarettes about 1 week before hair transplantation. In addition, if he/she has any health problems or used medication shortly before the hair transplantation, he/she should report this to the doctor. It may also be good to avoid drinks that contain caffeine.

          The price of hair transplantation varies according to the quality of the materials used, the doctor's experience, and the type of procedure that suits you. Although costs are much lower in Turkey than in other countries, selecting the right hospital to receive the best hair transplant is critical. A particularly low price can lead to poor quality results, so thorough research into the provider is essential. A high-quality hair transplant in Istanbul is likely to cost between $3000 and $5000.

          Due to low labor costs, low living costs, and a relatively low-value currency, hair transplant costs in Turkey are lower than in most other countries around the world. However, due to extensive medical training, these factors do not affect the quality, which is at the highest level.

          Turkey closely follows and applies the latest technological developments in hair transplantation in recent years. Sapphire FUE technique, Pain-Free Anesthesia, and the hairlines drawn by our plastic surgeon Ekrem Keskin from an aesthetic point of view are among the innovations we have adopted.

          The Most-Trusted Brand In Hair Restoration

          We are proud to be recognized as a trusted brand in hair restoration, here are
          some of the awards and certificates we have received so far: