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Unshaven Hair Transplant

Unshaven hair transplant is a specific hair transplant method without shaving a patient’s hair to implant hair grafts. Also known as direct hair implantation (DHI), an unshaven hair transplant is the best hair transplant method when the patient’s hair loss is not severe and/or they don’t want to shave their hair completely. 

What Is Unshaven Hair Transplant?

Unshaven hair transplant is generally preferred by people who don’t want to shave their hair completely so they can go back to their daily lives in a shorter amount of time compared to other hair transplant methods like FUE. But what is an unshaven hair transplant and how can a DHI hair transplant be the best hair transplant method for you?

Direct hair implantation

As we mentioned above, an unshaven hair transplant is in fact direct hair implantation which is the most modern hair transplant method to date. Unlike other hair transplant methods, DHI transplant is completed in two stages: Harvesting the hair follicles from the donor area and transplanting the hair follicles into the recipient area. Unlike the FUE hair transplant method, the DHI method doesn’t include channel opening as a different stage and this is thanks to a special pen called the Choi pen. 

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Choi pen and unshaven hair transplant

The Choi pen is a medical pen that a medical hair transplant professional uses during a DHI transplant operation. This pen has a very thin, cylindrical, and sharp structure. Choi pen also has a hollow needle on one end. During the DHI transplant operation, the hair transplant doctor places the grafts on this needle’s tip and uses the pen to graft onto the recipient area. Thanks to the Choi pen, the hair follicles don’t have to stay in a special container like they would during an FUE transplant operation. The channel opening and transplantation are completed in one stage and the hair transplant doctor only needs to adjust the angle of the pen to transplant the plucked hair follicles. 


Who Can Have Unshaven Hair Transplant?

If you're experiencing male pattern hair loss yet your hair loss is not too severe, an unshaven hair transplant will be better for you since this specific hair transplant method is not suitable for big recipient areas. 

Hair transplant methods like the FUE transplant method and Sapphire FUE transplant methods are usually not available for female hair loss. But the DHI hair transplant method is perfect for hair loss in women especially if there's receding in the frontal area. 

People with high hairlines can have a DHI hair transplant operation to lower their hairlines. You don't have to have hair loss to benefit from the DHI hair transplant. The best hair transplant doctor in Turkey can redraw your hairline which will fit perfectly to your face and can give you a DHI surgery for aesthetic reasons to provide you with an improved look!

Unshaven Hair Transplant in Turkey

There are many reasons to have an unshaven hair transplant in Turkey. Not only the hair transplant cost is affordable in Turkey but the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey will be much more valuable to your recovery phase as you will be working with the best of the best.

Unshaven Hair Transplant Cost

The unshaven hair transplant cost in Turkey is much more affordable compared to an unshaven hair transplant cost in the UK or an unshaven hair transplant cost in the US. The best hair transplant clinic in Turkey won’t have to wreak havoc in your budget to give you the best unshaven hair transplant experience. 


Advantages of Unshaven Hair Transplant

You don't have to shave your hair completely to have an unshaven hair transplant operation. For an unshaven hair transplant in Turkey, the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey only shaves the donor and the recipient areas. The donor area is the nape of the scalp and it can be covered with long hair if the patient wants to hide the donor area.

Because DHI hair transplant is a minimal hair transplant operation, most patients don't have any trouble returning to their daily lives. Since they don't have to shave completely either, camouflaging the transplanted hair is easier compared to a Sapphire FUE hair transplant method. And for the donor area, the patients just need to let their hair down!

Since the unshaven hair transplant method, DHI, is less invasive, the patients heal faster than they would in any other hair transplant method. 

Unshaven Hair Transplant Medical Experience

Unshaven hair transplant or DHI transplant method generally requires a specialized medical crew. For example, we at Capital Hair Center have different medical teams for different hair transplant methods. Not only your hair transplant doctor in Turkey should be an expert at DHI but also their medical crew should be experts on the unshaven hair transplant method. 

Dr. Ekrem Keskin and Capital Hair Center

As the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey, Dr. Ekrem Keskin leads his unshaven hair transplant surgeries with a medical crew that is an expert on the DHI transplant method. We at Capital Hair Center do everything in our power to provide the best hair transplant method for anyone and our hair transplant treatment plans reflect this goal. Being the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey, our patients don’t have to worry about their graft counts after a detailed scalp analysis and how the graft count can affect the hair transplant cost in Turkey. Unlike other hair transplant clinics, we at Capital Hair Center don’t set our prices by graft count but by hair transplant treatment options, so our patients experience only good surprises when they have a hair transplant in Turkey.

How Many Grafts Do I Need ?


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