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Is Female Hair Transplant Possible?

Hair transplants have always been on the rise for the last fifteen years. Even though hair loss in men is no longer viewed as a taboo subject, hair loss in women certainly still is. This is because most women don’t experience hair loss in their early lives unlike men and hair loss is usually something due to aging. However, hair loss in women doesn’t have to be related to aging and younger women with hair loss don’t know what to do when the beauty industry can no longer prevent hair loss with their beauty products. Especially problems like stress, unbalanced diet, long-term wrong hair products, and genetic factors cannot be treated with any kind of beauty product.

Women Can Have Hair Transplants!

It’s true. Whether it’s because of irreversible traction alopecia or receding hairline due to genetics can be reversed with female hair transplant operation. Or if a woman suffers from diffuse thinning in certain areas of their scalp, female hair transplant can still help them with hair loss due to diffuse thinning.

Will I Have to Shave My Hair Completely?

Most people aren’t sure about shaving their hair completely before hair transplantation. However, if you’re an ideal candidate for a Sapphire FUE operation, a full-head shave is inevitable. The good news is: Most women don’t need an extensive hair transplant method like FUE and Sapphire FUE where the scalp has to be shaved completely.

And Ideal Hair Transplant Method for Women: Unshaven Hair Transplant

You may have already heard of various hair transplant methods. You may have even compared them as FUT vs FUE, DHI vs FUE, or FUE vs Sapphire FUE. But if you’re suffering from female hair loss, the best hair transplant method for you can be easier to find in the end.

Unshaven Hair Transplant

Unshaven Hair Transplant, also known as the DHI hair transplant method doesn’t require patients to shave their scalps completely. DHI method is especially beneficial to women who have long hair and don’t want to shave their heads completely. Because DHI hair is no-shave only the donor area is shaved before the operation and since the donor area is the nape area, women can easily cover the donor area with their unshaven hair.

Most female hair loss is on the frontal area of the scalp. Thanks to the best hair transplant surgeons in Turkey, hair transplant methods like the DHI method, this regression can be fixed or if a woman has a high forehead, the forehead can be narrowed without losing the natural look of the woman’s face shape.

Will I Be in Any Significant Pain During the Procedure?

The answer is: No. Because the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey, Capital Hair Center, works with expert anesthesiologists who give local anesthesia for the operation area, hair transplant is not something women can endure. During the operation, the patient doesn’t feel anything.

I Don’t Think I Have Hair Loss but My Forehead Is Too High?

We get it. Sometimes we may not experience hair loss yet our high foreheads give the impression that we do. In these cases, the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey, Dr. Ekrem Keskin redraws your hairline during the consultation as well as puts you through a scalp analysis test to determine what kind of hair loss (if any) you might have and determine the best treatment for you.

Diffuse Thinning?

You’re not losing your hair exactly but your hair is getting thinner and more brittle. You can still benefit from a hair transplant operation as well as additional treatments like stem cell therapy, PRP therapy, and OzonFect therapy. Especially OzonFect therapy is a revolutionary therapy which is founded by Dr. Ekrem Keskin himself to strengthen hair follicles. These treatments not only work on hair grafts after a hair transplant operation, but they will also help with your already existing hair and ensure that you don’t experience hair loss problems like diffuse thinning.

After Hair Transplant How Long Does It Take to Grow?

You may have shaved only the donor area for the hair transplant but most women worry that the frontal area of their scalps or the donor area will have unwanted attention from other women. Even though your hair will grow back within a year, you will get to see the results of a female hair transplant after three months. During the year, as the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey, Capital Hair Center do follow-ups to monitor the progress and the health of the patients. When it comes to the medical acumen of Turkey, hair transplant clinics in Turkey are certainly the best especially compared to their European and American counterparts.

Turkey: Hair Capital of the World

Because of its groundbreaking medical professionals, having a hair transplant in Turkey is the easiest choice any person can make and women with hair loss problems are no exception. At the heart of Istanbul, Capital Hair Center is the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey with its exceptional medical team, its services, and accommodations in full luxurious capacity.

In Turkey, hair transplant operations are done with the best hair transplant doctors in the world who also have long experience in plastic surgeries. Because these doctors have a long experience with plastic surgery, the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey will give you your hair back while redrawing the perfect hairline to fit your face flawlessly.




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