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Does a Hair Transplant Last Forever?

A hair transplant is a surgical method to implant hair follicles from the donor area to the recipient area where there’s hair loss. Hair transplants have been on the rise for quite some time. However, most people still question if a hair transplant operation can offer a permanent solution to both hair loss in men and hair loss in women.

Lasting Effects of Hair Transplant

A hair transplant does last forever. The hair follicles that are taken from the donor area are the hair follicles that are most resistant to hair loss. The donor area is the nape of someone’s scalp. You may have already noticed that even with people with advanced baldness, the nape area of the scalp maintain still some hair unless there’s another health disorder that will cause all hair loss from someone’s body. The hair follicles from the donor area are taken for their resistance to hair loss. When a hair transplant doctor implants these hair follicles in the area with hair loss (the recipient area), these hair follicles also known as hair grafts work and grow as healthy hair and there’s no amount of hair loss that can make these hair follicles shed.

Hair Loss vs Hair Shedding

Some people mistake the hair shedding hair transplant patients experience after hair transplants. This shedding is not hair loss but shock shedding. Shock shedding happens after two or three months after a hair transplant operation and after the shock shedding, healthy hair grafts and the remaining hair start to grow again and the patients get enough coverage to no longer to suffer from hair loss.

Is A Hair Transplant Operation Worth the Hassle?

Absolutely! If you are eligible for a hair transplant operation, a hair transplant is THE most permanent way to get your hair back. A hair transplant operation is a minimally invasive surgical operation that will provide you with thicker hair. Especially compared to your hair before the hair transplant operation. Our patients’ before and after hair transplant results show that our patients benefit from the hair transplant operation. A hair transplant operation is sometimes the only minimally invasive surgery to boost your self-confidence.

Which Method to Choose: DHI vs FUE

The first time they contact, most patients have a certain hair transplant method for themselves. However, it’s essential to assess your hair loss objectively before deciding on a hair transplant method.

DHI (Direct Hair Implant)

DHI method also known as the unshaven hair transplant is a hair transplant operation where patients don’t have to shave their heads completely. However, the DHI method is only recommended for hair loss in women and hair loss in men whose hair loss isn’t severe. For example, if your hair loss is more than three on the Norwood scale, you may not be eligible for an unshaven hair transplant

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)

The FUE method is more beneficial to people with severe hair loss. If you’re worried that FUE may not be the best hair transplant method for you, don’t fret. Thanks to the most modern hair transplant method, Sapphire FUE, you can reap the benefits of an FUE-like hair transplant operation without having to deal with the steel blades of an FUE hair transplant operation. Unlike FUE, Sapphire FUE blades are sapphire-tipped and thanks to these Sapphire blades, the recovery period is shorter and the overall look of the patient is most natural.

Where Can I Get A Successful Hair Transplant Operation?

Turkish hair transplant doctors are the trailblazers in hair transplant technologies. Their commitment to providing the best and the least invasive hair transplant methods and hair loss treatments makes them the best hair transplant doctors in the world. When it comes to hair transplant clinics in Turkey, hair transplants are much more affordable compared to their European and American counterparts. To the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey, hair transplant operations not only give their patients’ hair back but also give their confidence back. The best hair transplant clinic in Turkey also provides hair loss treatment packages instead of setting their prices based on hair grafts which is one of the reasons why hair transplant cost in Turkey is more affordable. For a patient who comes to Turkey, hair transplant operation shouldn’t cost higher based on the hair graft count they may need. That’s why the best hair transplant clinics in Turkey not only include hair transplant operations based on the hair transplant method but they also include services like accommodation and car services.




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