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How Does a Hair Transplant Work?

A hair transplant operation is a surgical procedure for people with hair loss. Hair transplant operations are viewed as the permanent solution to both hair loss in women and hair loss in men. But how does a hair transplant work? How does a hair transplant doctor choose which hair follicles to use? Here are some of the things a hair transplant clinic in Turkey does to ensure that a hair transplant operation solves hair loss:

1. Find out the exact degree of hair loss

You may have heard of the Norwood scale to define the degree of hair loss. However, the Norwood scale is not the only parameter for the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey to use.

a. Scalp test

The best hair transplant doctor in Turkey knows that a thorough test is essential to diagnose the exact degree of hair loss. The scalp test also involves the health of the hair strands of a hair transplant candidate.

b. Fox test

Fox test is used for hair transplant patients with Afro hair. If you have Afro hair and your hair transplant doctor doesn’t use the Fox test on you, you should be aware of the risks. For example, Dr. Ekrem Keskin at Capital Hair Center uses the Fox test to observe the health of the hair follicles of patients with Afro hair. 

Only after the hair tests, a patient can have a hair transplant in Turkey. 

2. On the day of the operation

a. Local pain-free anesthesia

The best hair transplant clinic in Turkey has anesthesiologists for hair transplants in Turkey. An expert anesthesiologist uses local anesthesia on the patient so the patient doesn’t feel any pain during the hair transplant operation

b. Collecting hair follicles from the donor area

The donor area is the nape of a person’s scalp and since this place is the most resistant to hair loss, the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey prioritizes the donor area for harvesting the hair follicles for the recipient area. The hair follicles are then separated into single, double, and multiple pieces. These now grafts are preserved in a special container until the implantation part of the hair transplantation operation. 

c. Channel opening

Channel opening occurs in the recipient area where the hair transplant patient experiences hair loss. For the most natural look, the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey knows that the angle of the channels should be as same as the natural angle of the patient’s original hair

d. Implanting the hair grafts

After the channel opening, the hair grafts in the special container are out and these hair follicles are transplanted by the hair transplant doctor into the opened channels. Implanting the hair follicles is the last stage of the hair transplant operation. 

2. On the day of the operation

After a hair transplant in Turkey, the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey won’t leave you to your vices. We at Capital Hair Center care about the well-being of our patients. And the first two or three days of a hair transplant operation is the most crucial time to get successful results from a hair transplant in Turkey.

a. The day of the hair transplant in Turkey

Because we care about the well-being of our patients, we offer them detailed hair treatment packages which include accommodation and car services. After the hair transplant in Turkey, our patients go to their hotels by our car services and stay in the hotel we arranged for them. 

b. The day after the hair transplant operation

The day after the hair transplant in Turkey, our patients come back to our hair transplant clinic and they receive their first wash as well as additional hair treatment of their choosing. During the first wash, our patients are informed by our expert medical team on how to take care of their scalps once they go back home. We also provide a hair care package to our patients so they can take care of themselves without the assistance of a doctor. 

c. The follow-up period after the hair transplant in Turkey

Just because our patients go back home, it doesn’t mean our questions about their well-being stop. Because we are the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey led by the best hair transplant doctor in Turkey, our follow-up periods with our patients are rather thorough. Our follow-ups continue for a year and after the year, our patients are still welcome to contact us but before the one-year mark, we regularly check on our patients to monitor their progress and help them out if they need our help. 

A hair transplant in Turkey may seem like a big deal for some people and they would be right. We at Capital Hair Center care for our patients and the general public and for this reason, our patients need to understand what hair transplants are and how hair transplantation works. If you have questions, you can contact us for more detailed information




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